Hi! I’m Elisabeth, a rising junior at Bowdoin, where I’m studying English and art history. As one of this summer’s artists-in-residence, I have been pursuing a creative writing project, focusing primarily on short fiction. So far, I have completed one story a week, using my experiences on both Kent Island and Grand Manan as inspiration for settings, characters, and overarching themes. In carrying out my project, I’ve had the good fortune to explore the plethora of environments that this island offers. A sunny day might find me searching for a place to work in the middle of the ancient forest on the north end of the island, or dodging belligerent herring gulls on my way to a good spot on the beach, while I tend to remain indoors (unlike the scientists) during the stretches of rain and fog. I typically split each week between brainstorming, planning out stories, reading published work for inspiration, and, of course, writing. On Saturdays, Charlotte and I peer edit each other’s work, and we pin our completed stories to a wall in the dining room so that anyone who wishes may read and comment on them. In addition to writing, I’ve enjoyed many afternoons baking in the kitchen, and many evenings playing Frisbee outside or participating in Everyone Together in a Band. I’ve had an incredible experience here so far – it’s hard to believe that six weeks have passed already!

Teresa Liu
7/13/2013 04:00:10 am

Dear Cailey, Christine, Elisabeth, and Emily:
Just stumbled upon this awesome blog - I miss you guys!! I sent a postcard to Kent Island a month ago so hopefully it arrives soon. Sending you lots of love from Anchorage!

P.S. Cook Inlet (Alaska) has the second highest tidal range in North America. The Bay of Fundy takes first place!


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